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LOW X RLT 28.07.jpg

Low Gallery

Rebel Rebel

15 Years of Kuš!

Lāčplēša iela 78A, Riga

(above the car wash)


Rebel Rebel

15 Years of Kuš! 

Curated by @kushkomikss


Disa Wallander @grrhmm

Indrė Svirplytė @indre_svirplyte

Samplerman @yvang______

Tara Booth @tarainotherplaces

Anna Malicka @nnmlck

Mārtiņš Zutis @zartins.mutis

Zody Burke @zodyburke


Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Latvian publishing house, Kuš!, LOW is proud to present a selection of local and international artists that Kuš! has worked with over the years, to coincide with its anniversary edition, Rebel Rebel. Thanks to its active work, Kuš! has seen the development of comic and illustration culture in Latvia during its 15 years of existence carefully nurturing local talent in Latvia and beyond. 

Opening hours on 28.07 (RLT) 18-22

Lāčplēša iela 78A (above the car wash)

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