Māksla XO
“Four Paintings” Kristaps Zariņš
LV: Kristaps Zariņš “Četras gleznas”
Kristapa Zariņa izstāde „Četras gleznas” aptvers 4 lielformāta darbus, kas tapuši 2022.-2023. gadā. Tajos radīta transcendentāla vide bez laika un telpas robežām, kurā satiekas dažādu laiku vēsturiski tēli ar dažādu gadu Kristapa Zariņa gleznu varoņiem. Par ievadu jaunajai izstādē kalpo 2021/2022. gada mijā radītā glezna „Laipni lūgti!”:
„Gleznas centrā divas figūras – El Greco un Sieviete-Eņģelis ar rozēm no Fra Angelico gleznas – mājas saimnieki, kuri aicina ienākt...”
ENG: Kristaps Zariņš “Four Paintings”
Kristaps Zarins’ solo exhibition “Four Paintings” consists of four large-format works created in 2022/2023. They create a transcendental environment without the boundaries of time and space, in which historical figures of different periods meet with the characters of Kristaps Zarins’ paintings of different periods. The painting “Welcome!”, created at the turn of the year 2021/2022, serves as an introduction into the new exhibition:
“At the centre of this painting are two figures - El Greco and Woman-Angel from the painting by Fra Angelico - hosts, inviting the viewer in...”