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Galerija Rāmis - Marmelāde
“AINAVA" I. Gražule-Šlesere
LV: "Izstādē aplūkojamās gleznas vedina vairāk būt dabā, elpot svaigu gaisu un sajust gaistošo mirkli... Gaismu, smaržu, vēja vieglumu.. Mani interesē dabas krāšņuma nianses. Gleznojot ir svarīga harmoniska kompozīcija un uzrunājoša krāsu palete." I. Šlesere-Gražule
ENG: "The paintings on view in the exhibition invite you to be more in nature, breathe fresh air, and feel the fleeting moment... Light, scent, lightness of the wind... I am interested in the nuances of the splendor of nature. A harmonious composition and an appealing color palette are important when painting." I. Šlesere-Gražule
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