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CUT ART Gallery

Alberta iela 1


LV: Robert Whitman “Baryshnikov by me” [Tūre ar kuratoru pēc pieprasījuma]

Sezonas spilgtākais notikums ir izstāde, kurā apskatāmas fotogrāfijas ar slaveno baletdejotāju Mihailu Barišņikovu, ko iemūžinājis starptautiski atzītais fotogrāfs Roberts Vitmens (Robert Whitman). Izstāde būs skatāma no 11. novembra līdz 10. decembrim galerijā CUT ART, Alberta ielā 1.

Vitmena interese par fotogrāfiju radās no viņa mīlestības pret kino, kas viņu aizveda no dzimtās pilsētas Mineapolisas uz rosīgajām Ņujorkas ielām. Vitmena darbu izceļ viņa spēja notvert unikālu jauneklības un provokatīvas enerģijas sajaukumu. Viņa fotogrāfijas ir apliecinājums cilvēkam, kurš dzīvo atklāti, kaislīgi un vienkārši. Vitmena karjeras ceļojums ir tikpat netradicionāls kā viņa fotografēšanas stils.

Roberta Vitmena stāsts Latvijā aizsākās, piedaloties Jurmala Art Fair, kas notika Bulduros 2017.gadā. Izrādās, ka pati ideja veidot šo pasākumu radās no vēlmes uzaicināt leģendāro Ņujorkā dzīvojošo fotogrāfu uz Latviju un ar viņa darbiem iepazīstināt vietējo publiku. Vitmens strādājis arī ar slaveno Rīgā dzimušo baletdejotāju Mihailu Barišņikovu. Tieši šīs Vitmena fotogrāfijas tiks demonstrētas CUT ART galerijā, piedāvājot unikālu iespēju caur Vitmena objektīvu būt lieciniekiem leģendārajam dejotājam. Barišņikova ievērojamā karjera, kas aizsākās 1960. gadu sākumā, 1974. gadā aizveda viņu no Padomju Savienības uz Rietumiem. Tur viņš strādāja American Ballet Theatre un New York City Ballet, sadarbojoties ar pasaulslaveniem horeogrāfiem. Barišņikova ilgstošā ietekme uz dejas pasauli ir neizmērojama.

Jāatzīmē, ka Roberts Vitmens bija pirmais fotogrāfs, kurš profesionāli fotografēja ikonisko mūziķi Prinsu (Prince), pirms viņš kļuva par zvaigzni. Šīs sadarbības rezultātā tika izdota grāmata “Prince Pre Fame”, kas tika publicēta 2017. gada beigās. Savas karjeras laikā Vitmens ir strādājis ar ielu fotogrāfiju, izveidojot portfolio, kas kalpo kā pasaules skaistuma apliecinājums. Viņa apņemšanās fotografēt ir mūža ceļojums, atverot acis uz pasaules brīnumu.

Galerija CUT ART popularizē jaunāko mākslu ar tās iespaidīgo mākslinieku klāstu, tostarp ir tādi ievērojamie personāži kā Deivids Linčs un Roberts Vitmens, kuru darbi noteikti iedvesmo un izaicina skatītājus. Šobrīd galerijas uzsvars tiek likts uz topošo mākslinieku Vlada Ogaja, Annas Buharevas, Edgara Nikolajeva karjeras virzību. CUT ART ir galerija gan mākslas entuziastiem, gan zinātkāriem prātiem, kas demonstrē unikālu Latvijas un starptautisku mākslinieku sajaukumu, sākot no jaunajiem talantiem līdz leģendām.

ENG: Robert Whitman “Baryshnikov by me” [Curator’s Tour on demand] 

The highlight of the season is the photography exhibition “Baryshnikov by me” featuring the captivating work of renowned ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, captured by internationally acclaimed photographer Robert Whitman. The exhibition will run from November 11th to 10th of December at CUT ART Gallery, located on Alberta Street 1.

Whitman's interest in photography developed out of his love for the cinema, which led him from his hometown of Minneapolis to the bustling streets of New York City. What sets Whitman's work apart is his ability to capture a unique blend of youthfulness and provocative energy. His photographs are a testament to a man who lives openly, passionately, and simply. Whitman's career journey is as unconventional as his photographic style.

Robert Whitman's connection to Latvia began with his participation in the Jurmala Art Fair, which took place in Bulduri in 2017. It turns out that the idea to create this event came from the desire to invite the legendary New York-based photographer to Latvia and introduce his work to the local public. Whitman has also worked with the famous Riga-born ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov. It is these photographs by Whitman that will be showcased at the CUT ART Gallery, offering a unique opportunity to witness the legendary dancer through Whitman's lens. Baryshnikov's remarkable career, which began in the early 1960s, took him from the Soviet Union to the West in 1974. There he worked with American Ballet Theatre and New York City Ballet, collaborating with world-renowned choreographers. Baryshnikov's journey is a testament to a lifetime dedicated to the art of dance, and his influence on the world of performance is immeasurable.

Notably, Robert Whitman was the first photographer to professionally photograph the iconic musician Prince before he became a star. This collaboration led to the book “Prince Pre Fame”, published at the end of 2017. Whitman has worked with street photography throughout his career, creating a portfolio that serves as a testament to the beauty of the world. His commitment to photography is a lifelong journey, opening his eyes to the wonder of the world.

CUT ART gallery promotes cutting-edge art with its impressive lineup of artists it features, including notable figures such as David Lynch and Robert Whitman, whose works are certain to inspire and challenge viewers. The gallery's present emphasis is on advancing the careers of emerging artists Vlad Ogay, Anna Bukhareva, Edgars Nikolajevs. CUT ART is a place for art enthusiasts and curious minds alike, showcasing a unique blend of Latvian and international artists, from emerging talent to established legends.

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