RLT x LMA "ART WORKS" - 3 | 30.03.23
LV: Turpinoties sadarbībai starp Latvijas Mākslas akadēmiju un Riga Last Thursdays galeriju vakaru, interesenti aicināti apmeklēt jau trešo “MĀKSLA STRĀDĀ / ART WORKS” pasākumu, kas šomēnes veltīts Dizaina nodaļai un tās apakšnozarēm: grafikas, produktu, interjera, metāla un modes dizainam. Kā ierasts, apmeklētāji varēs ne tikai vērot, bet arī praktiski piedalīties un iepazīt mākslinieka darba specifiku.
ENG: Continuing the cooperation between the Art Academy of Latvia and Riga Last Thursdays gallery evening, the public was invited to attend the third "ART WORKS" event dedicated to the Design Department and its sub-disciplines: graphic, product, interior, metal and fashion design. As usual, visitors were not only be able to observe, but also to participate and get to know the specifics of an artist's work.