Exhibition of Painting department students of the Art Academy of Latvia
LV: VILCE sauc! Vilce ir Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas glezniecības katedras studentu izstāde, kura savu vietu ieņēmusi akadēmijas otrā stāva gaitenī, lai būtu pieejama un apskatāma visiem studentiem un apmeklētājiem!
Vilces ekspozīcijas tiek mainītas vienu reizi mēnesī un katru reizi apkopo 12 gleznas, kuras izstādīšanai izvirza paši studenti sava kursa ietvaros, sākot no pirmā līdz maģistrantūras kursiem. No katra kursa tiek izvirzīti divi darbi. Vilce, kura pēc būtības simbolizē māksliniekā mītošo un neremdināmo degsmi radīt, sevī ietver arī mūžīgu mācību un attīstības procesu.
24.novembrī “Riga Last Thursdays” galeriju vakara ietvaros, no plkst. 18:00 - 22:00 Vilcē būs iespēja ne tikai aplūkot izstādi, bet vērot glezniecības studiju procesu klātienē, iepazīties ar mākslas darbu radīšanas aizkulisēm un aprunāties ar studentiem - glezniecības katedras studenti strādās uz vietas un gaidīs apmeklētājus.
ENG: VILCE calls! VILCE can be translated as traction force, also can be perceptible as she-wolf, driving force and motive power, is an exhibition of the students of the painting department of the Art Academy of Latvia, which has taken its place in the premises of the second floor of the Academy, so that it is accessible and visible to all students and visitors!
The exhibited paintings of VILCE are changed once in a month and each time it collects 12 student paintings, which are nominated for exhibition by the students themselves from each painting course - starting from the first year students to the master's courses. Two paintings are nominated from each course. VILCE, which in its essence symbolises the artist's inner insatiable desire to create, also includes an eternal process of learning and development. That is why it is a student exhibition and is perceived as an important part of the study process.
It is also an opportunity to get to know the practical nuances of exhibiting works during the Academy study process and understand each student’s contribution to the overall process.
On November 24, as part of the “Riga Last Thursdays” gallery evening, from 18:00 - 22:00 at VILCE, you will have the opportunity not only to see the exhibition, but to observe the painting study process in person, to get acquainted with the behind-the-scenes of creating works of art and to talk with students - students of the painting department will work on site and wait for visitors.