Tērbatas iela 28
LV: Daria, Iepazīstieties ar mākslu [Meet the Artist] [Performance] [Tūre ar kuratoru pēc pieprasījuma]
Šī ir jaunas mākslinieces izstāde, kura glezno gleznas mūsdienīgā stilā un vienā gleznā pauž savu domu plūdumu, izmantojot daudzas dažādas tehnikas, piemēram, akrilu, eļļu, kannas, avīžu izgriezumus, pasteļus. Šajā izstādē varēsiet redzēt uz gleznām dažādu krāsu, elementu un tehniku vardarbību un no tām iedvesmoties, uzlādēties ar pozitīvu enerģiju. Jūs varat aprunāties ar mākslinieku un uzzināt par gleznu nozīmi. Būs arī mākslinieka tuva drauga veidota video performance, video atmasko veidotāja dabu un parāda filozofisko jēgu par tēmu nokarenais asums. Izstāde notiks jauniešu organizācijas 3D draugi telpā, no 16:00-22:00.
19:00 - video perfomance
21:00 - Dj set ar DJ Ula - lofi/deep house
ENG: Daria, Meet art [Curator’s Tour on demand] [Performance] [Video-performance starts at 19:00]
This is an exhibition of a young artist who paints paintings in a modern style and expresses the flow of her thoughts using many different techniques in one painting, such as acrylic, oil, cans, newspaper clippings, pastels.At this exhibition you will be able to see the violence of different colors, elements and techniques on the paintings and to be inspired, recharged with positive energy from them. You can talk to the artist and learn about the meaning of the paintings. There will also be a video performance created by a close friend of the artist, the video exposes the nature of the creator and shows the philosophic meaning on the topic of sagging sharpness. The exhibition will take place in the youth space 3D Friends, from 16:00-22:00.
19:00 - video perfomance
21:00 - Dj set with DJ Ula - lofi/deep house