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Latvijas Mākslas akademija - 2

Kalpaka bulvāris 13 + Kronvalda bulvāris 4


LV: LMA Piektā diplomandu izstāde [Tikšanās ar mākslinieku] 

LMA diplomandu izstādē redzami gan bakalaura, gan maģistra programmu diplomandu darbi no visām studiju nozarēm. Vērienīgā izstāde, kurā apvienoti vairāk nekā simt mākslinieku darbi, veidota kā studiju process visiem iesaistītajiem un ir organizatoru komandas un visu diplomandu kopdarbs.

Izstāde apskatāma divās adresēs: Kalpaka bulvārī 13 un Kronvalda bulvārī 4.

ENG: The fifth Art Academy Diploma Candidate exhibition [Meet the Artist]

From June 9 the fifth Art Academy Diploma Candidate exhibition will be open to the public – everyone is welcome to see the work of new artists, the result of several years of studies. The exhibition will include work by both BA and MA students from all departments at LMA.

This year the comprehensive exhibition, comprising the work of over a hundred artists, was part of the study process from the very beginning and is a collaboration between the organising team and all diploma candidates.

The exhibition can be viewed at two addresses: 13 Kalpaka bulvāris and 4 Kronvalda bulvāris.

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